As usual, Twitter’s been on fire lately. While some of us can keep up, most can’t stay on top of the rapid-fire discussion at all times. So in case you missed anything, here’s what’s been going down on Tweets.
I guess Bill Cosby didn’t get the memo that Black Twitter has no chill. For some reason, the comedic legend asked folks to turn his image into a meme, and they didn’t waste any time reminding Cosby that more than a dozen women have accused him of rape.
#CosbyMeme @BillCosby
— 悪魔 (@dvminixk) November 10, 2014
Subtlety. #CosbyMeme
— Rusty Redenbacher (@rustymk2) November 10, 2014
— jujoffer (@jujoffer) November 10, 2014
I think Bill Cosby still thinks he's America's Dad and not America's creepy Uncle who's not allowed to visit anymore... #CosbyMeme
— Elon James White (@elonjames) November 10, 2014
The post Black Twitter Talks: Cosby Memes, Nicki Minaj and the N-Word appeared first on MommyNoire.